Ozone air sanitation works great in cold storage rooms and processing facilities to reduce and elimate mold and bacteria. There are two factors that are taken into consideration when adding ozone into a sanitation regimen.
First, humans will be working while ozone is present:
For continuous use ambient air treatment you must maintain ozone levels between 0.040 to 0.050 parts per million concentrations. Having the right amount of ozone is critical. Purotecs ozone generator is designed to deliver the exact amount of ozone needed for your application. Our application specialists will help you configure the Purotecs ozone generator for your facility.
Second, humans may be absent from building from time to time:
We have found that intermittent ozone air shock treatment gives deep penetration into facility nooks and crannies for a super charge kick to your cleaning regimen. The super charge kick requires that you have facility security in order to keep personnel clear of the area where for the ozone air shock treatment duration. Many older ozone generators are unable to reach the high levels of ozone needed to be effective for these treatments. The Purotecs generators have the capacity to reach the higher, shock demand levels.